
An analysis of my language learning experience

My most enjoyable language learning experience has been homestay visit to America(the state of Wisconsin).
My least enjoyable language learning activity has been translating English into Japanese with textbooks and dictionary when I was high school student.
My most valuable language learning activity has been speaking only English with others.
My least valuable language learning activity has been studying at home in junior high(Before I went on the homestay). At that time, I didn't have motivation to improve my English skills, so I couldn't concentrate on my Engish homeworks.
In general my language learning experience has been almost reading and memorising. These experiences were boring, I thought. But I think they're needed by language learning.
By my language learning experiences, I think the important thing to learn languages is to have strong motivation. Teachers should find a way to lead learners to have motivation .

1 件のコメント:

Maruchan さんのコメント...

I was surprised that you have visited to the US. Please tell me about it later.