
Jazz Chants

I found an effective way to improve children's skills of English.

That is a Jazz Chants. They are the rhythmic expression of Standard American English as it occurs in situational contexts. Jazz Chants include in the book,"Jazz Chants", and record on the accompanying tape are designed as a language acquisition tool to develop the children's appreciation of the rhythm and intonation patterns of Spoken American English. Their purpose is the improvement of speaking and listening comprehension skills, and the natural rhythms and humor of the chants are highly motivating and may be used effectively for both classroom practice and individual home study.

I knew that Jazz Chants are used by Japanes teachers and ALT in Japanese elementary schools.
I want to investigate them more.

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hello Fantasista,
I have enjoyed reading your blog posts. I have also enjoyed using
Jazz Chants (Small Talk) with many adult students in Japan. They are very useful both in class and as homework activities.
I would like to recommend my free activity for English practice at www.englishnewspuzzle.com Please check it out. If you like it, please recommend it to your friends.

All the best with your teaching career. If you would like to discuss teaching methodologies with me, you can contact me through
my site.

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